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Our Values: Who We Are

Ordinary Folks, In love with Jesus

In Pursuit of God's Heart

Living Rock is comprised of individuals who are committed to becoming not just a fellowship of believers, but an effective appendage of the body of Christ that will do a dynamic work for the most important kingdom in Earth: The Kingdom of God.

We desire to fulfill the command to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature, regardless of race, color or ethnic background.

What Parishioners Say...

I love attending the church! I love gathering together at worships and events with our big believing family. I have felt my personal growth and strength in serving people, making this world a better place.

Nick Jones

Nick Jones


The wonderful mission that our church does is truly priceless! The practice of giving is awesome and brings results. I ask everyone who isn’t indifferent to donate and take part! God bless you all!

Anna Gordon

Anna Gordon


My husband and I come here every Sunday. This church has the nice, inspirational, and devout atmosphere. Many good and kind people pray here. I recommend joining us with all your family!

Jennifer Lee

Jennifer Lee
